Kuna Connected Home Security System Is Hidden In A Porch Light

Keeping one's home safe has largely transitioned away from reliance on traditional home security companies and towards utilizing the devices and services we already have, namely smartphones and a home WiFi network. Numerous connected devices designed for home security are available, most of them revolving around either motion sensors or cameras that shuttle information to one's mobile device. The Kuna is no exception, but comes with an elegant twist: it is a camera-toting connected light fixture that users install next to their home's door, making it as stylish and unassuming as it is functional.


Kuna is a smart camera that looks like nothing more than an outdoor light fixture. The device is installed like a normal light, and features an integrated camera in the base, which is connected to one's home WiFi network. Joining the camera is both a microphone and a speaker, which allows users to see, hear, and communicate with whomever is at the door.

The light/smart camera detects when someone is at the door and alerts homeowners via a notification on their mobile device. Joining the intercom functionality is an alarm button, which can be used to scare away anyone who isn't welcome. As you'd expect, the light itself can also be controlled with the mobile app.

Kuna is being funded through Indiegogo, where it has just about hit half of its $50,000 goal. There are 40 days left in the funding period, and a pledge of $129 USD will get backers a black Kuna Craftsman unit. When the product launches, the retail price will be about double that at $269 USD.


VIA: Digital Trends

