Kong's Skull Island is now live on Google Maps

Google is having a little bit of fun with its Maps product by adding 'Skull Island' to its South Pacific mapping data. The fictional landmass comes from the movie Kong: Skull Island, of course, which is about to hit theaters. The island itself isn't featured on Google Maps, which is sad, but you can still zoom in on the spot where the island is located in the movie and, if you're up to it, leave your own review.

The map doesn't show the island, but the listing for "Skull Island" is filled with more than 200 photos; it currently points to the website 'discoverskullisland.com' and has more than 7100 user reviews amounting to a 3.7 star rating. The island is listed as an 'archaeological site.'

The reviews are about what you'd expect — people talking about vacationing on a beautiful island, only for King Kong to kill off a few people and battle a few monsters, yadda yada. Just another vacation, the reviews say. There are even mentions of some 'exotic meats.'

The movie itself will be in theaters on March 10, and it will, according to the studio, 'fully immerse audiences in the mysterious and dangerous home of the king of the apes as a team of explorers ventures deep inside the treacherous, primordial island.' Sound exciting? The movie is rated PG13 and is two hours long.