Kiband Wearable Lets Parents Track Wandering Kids
Another wearable aiming to make child-tracking easier has arrived, and it is called the Kiband. As with similar products, the Kiband is a wearable that parents can place on their young children (up to 7 years old, according to the maker) to keep track of their whereabouts while still giving them the freedom to roam about. The device is a two-part system, using vibrations to let the child know they've gone too far and a smartphone alarm to alert the parents.
Interestingly enough, the Kiband offers a feature we haven't seen on competing wearables — the inability to remove the wearable without unlocking it using the related app. This keeps others — and the child — from slipping it off. Ranges in which the child is free to wander can be set, and when that range is exceeded the wearable will vibrate and the app will dish up an alert.
The Kiband is also designed to detect water, letting parents know if the child has fallen into a pool or wandered into water somewhere. The device itself will adjust in size as the kid grows, and as can be seen in the images above, it'll be available in two different colors.
Kiband sought funding on Indiegogo, where it just recently squeaked past its $25,000 goal to end its campaign this week at $25,070 USD. As such, the maker will be proceeding with the project, with backers getting the early bird units this summer and others being able to get it soon after. The wearable will retail for $120 USD.
SOURCE: Indiegogo