Keyport USB drive gets more storage
Back in September of 2001, I mentioned that the cool Keyport key hiding slider thingy had gained a new feature with the ability to add a flash drive into one of the ports. If you forget exactly what this thing is, it's a small box that can hide up to six special keys inside that slide you when you need them.
The Keyport now has the option of a couple new attachments since the last time we talked about it. In addition to that 4GB flash drive, you can opt for an 8GB flash drive and a bottle opener. The standard bundle for the Keyport including the housing, six colored nodes and a lanyard string is $79.
If you add the 4GB flash drive it will cost you $89 an if you move up to 8GB of flash storage the Keyport will run you $99. You can also get the keyport in silver, black, or pink colors now. That bottle opener attachment will cost you $5.99. Later this year an option for 16GB of flash storage will be available.