Jobs To Meet Top Phone Chief
Word from Gizmodo is that Jobs will hold special meetings with Telefonica's top guy Cesar Alierta about computers and the Apple Phone product. Gizmodo claims that word first came into Gizmodo Spain, but the reliability of the source is not noted in the article. The article then goes on to claim that the meetings will take place in February or even by the end of the month, but that this also means that the phone would not have a launch at MacWorld.
Also, a writer at talks about his Treo 650 (which he always refers as being bulky), comparing it to the Apple Phone which has yet to be launched.
Also, whatever is launched at the MacWorld keynote, it's gotta be good. Jobs's keynote has been lengthened to 2 hours instead of the regular 1 hour. SlashGear will be there, providing LIVE coverage on a webcast, alongside the webcasts from CES.
Jobs Meeting With Telefonica Head For Cellphone Girl Talk [Via: Gizmodo]