Job Ad Points To Just Cause 3 On PS4, Xbox 720
Developer Avalanche is apparently working on a new entry in its sleeper hit franchise Just Cause, but it won't be available until the next round of game consoles makes their way to the market. At least, that's what we can expect based on a recent job advertisement from the company. It is possible that the new game will be a completely new intellectual property.
But nevertheless, Avalanche is on board with next-gen. An email that was sent out to industry professionals and wannabe professionals promoted an upcoming recruitment event, and in the midst of the promotional literature to encourage people to come, there was mention that Avalanche would be there. The company was listed in reference to a new open-world action game. A previous interview with Eurogamer had Avalanche boss Christofer Sundberg saying:
"In this day and age when everyone is struggling to make money, my opinion is that the [Just Cause] IP is perfect for everything the next-gen has to offer." The Xbox 720 is expected to hit next year, probably for the end-of-year holiday season while the PS4 may not come out until 2014 or even 2015. So cross-platform development right now is probably a tricky thing. Of course, we'll know more once actual solid details are revealed.
[via Eurogamer]