Jartron is a Robot Made from a Jar That Loves to Dance [Video]
You know what we don't see enough of anymore? Robots that dance. Sure, we've got robots that can balance on balls, and even robots powered by phones that can solve Rubik's Cubes. But, no good old-fashioned dancing robots. That's why we were pretty excited to see the Jartron. Awesome name notwithstanding, watching the video brought a smile to our face. Especially when the break dancing started happening.
The robot made from a jar, also known as Jartron the Explorer, was created by Dan Ray, and he managed to throw in some pretty surprising features. First, those four, curly-toed legs that move Jartron around. Second, it's got stereoscopic rangefinders that help it navigate areas as it explores its surroundings. It's got a "laser nose," that, as much as we can see anyway, serves only to showcase ridiculously awesome laser shows on the wall.
But, it's obvious that Jartron scares pretty easily, so we're wondering just how well his exploring abilities are, considering there's probably plenty of things out there to scare a little robot. The Jartron is just one of many robots designed for Make's robot contest, but we've got to admit that Jartron the Explorer definitely holds a sweet spot in our hearts.
[via Make]