iTunes Gets A Few Changes For The Better

The last bit of news Phil had for us before stepping off the stage was opened with the famous "One last thing...." line.  This news is about iTunes oddly enough. To date Apple has sold 6 million songs through iTunes and is now the largest media library with 75 million accounts.


iTunes is the number 1 channel for music in the United States and will be changing three things for 2009. The first of which will be pricing on a single song basis. There will be new $0.69 songs with a second tier of $1.29 songs. Apparently music companies are asking for more choices in the pricing of their songs. New pricing will take affect in April.

Starting today songs purchased through iTunes will be DRM free, meaning there will be no protection allowing users to transfer music to other computers. Not only that but the media files will be of much higher quality. What is there for people who have already downloaded music? Now you can take earlier songs and upgrade them to a higher quality DRM free version. The third announcement is directly related to the iPhone. Now the Music Store can be accessed over 3G and Wi-Fi rather than just Wi-Fi.  This service will start today so users can get downloading on the go immediately.


