Is webOS 2.0 Coming To Palm Devices In Q1 2011?

Possibly. After having been promised HP webOS 2.0 by the end of 2010, Palm users are still having a little bit of a cry circle. If they'd like to have it, they certainly can, but going to the story to purchase a Palm Pre 2 wasn't exactly what most Palm users were looking for. That's bush league, man! According to Germany's O2 Twitter account, webOS 2.0 wont be loaded to Palm devices now until the first quarter of 2011. WHYYY? I WANT IT NOW!


According to our friends over at Pre Central, Germany's O2 timeline has always been "remarkably frank", thusly they trust them – we're inclined to as well. On the other hand, the people working at webOS en Castellano heard "from private forums" that current devices might never get webOS 2.0, instead simply getting an update straight to 2.1. Uh... alright! Whatever works, man!

There already is a 2.0.1 out there for Palm Pre 2 that fixes some bugs, but it appears that this 2.1 is more advances than that. This 2.1 rumor has no timeline however, and is of course less credible having come third or fourth hand. Here's hoping, though! Nothing like an update to a Palm!

ALSO note that as we get pumped up about the rise of Palm and WebOS to prominence, we're rolling out some chats about the subject over at webOS Forums – come and have a cup of tea and talk it out a bit. Maybe bring your pals, bring your pixies and your pres, bring it all.


[Via PreCentral]

