(Update!) iOS Rock Band app unplayable after May 31

If you're a fan of the music game Rock Band and have the app on your iPhone or iPad you may notice a pop-up that has been showing on the game. According to the pop-up, the mobile game won't be playable after May 31. I have a feeling since this was a premium purchase app when it was new, there will be unhappy people who lose access to the game.


EA Mobile has offered no official reason that the App will be unplayable after the end of this month. The pop-up message in the game reads "Dear rockers, on May 31; Rock Band will no longer be playable on your device. Thanks for rocking out with us!" Apparently, the more recent Rock Band Reloaded doesn't have this pop-up.

I have a feeling that fans of the original app will be in an uproar over paying for a game then having it taken away, even though it's been a long time since this game first launched. I think EA is going to have to come up with some way to compensate those that purchased the game. I would think some sort of free game replacement would be called for.

UPDATE: EA Mobile reached out to let us know that the message users saw was an error. The game will still be playable. An EA spokesperson said, "Rock Band for iOS will remain live – the in-app message users received yesterday was sent in error. We apologize for the confusion this caused. We're working to clarify the issue that caused the error and will share additional information as soon as possible."


[via RockBandaide]

