Internet Tops Cable TV In Subscriber Numbers For The First Time
For the first time in the United States, the largest service providers saw more Internet subscribers than cable TV subscribers. The information comes from the Leichtman Research Group, which says that by the end of this year's second quarter, there were 49,915,000 total broadband subscribers versus 49,910,000 cable TV subscribers.
Though the difference between the two number sets are relatively minor, this represents a big milestone, and reflects how the modern American is consuming their media and getting their digital entertainment — through the Internet.
Services like Netflix and Hulu are no doubt a big reason for the shift, providing on-demand video content that allows users to view what they want, when they want — something that makes the traditional cable model look increasingly pointless and financially wasteful.
That doesn't mean cable TV will fizzle away any time soon, however. The service providers still saw large subscriber numbers from consumers who want traditional cable, and for now that won't be changing. At the end of Q2, Comcast topped the chart at 21,271,000 total subscribers, and Time Warner came in second at 11,965,000.
VIA: Wired