Intel: Android-Based Laptops To Hit Record-Low Prices

Prepare for an influx of lower-cost laptops to make their way into the market. Intel CEO Paul Otellini claims that laptop prices will go down to as low as $200 in the next few months, which makes us reminisce about the netbook days and whether or not Otellini is predicting a comeback for the smaller form factor machines, but that's not the case here.


Intel's Dadi Perlmutter, who is the company's executive vice president and chief product officer, says that these $200 laptops will mostly be running Android, rather than the traditional Windows 8 operating system. The low-cost laptops would also be running Intel's Atom series of processors, the same chips that were used in a lot of netbooks.

As to whether or not Windows 8-based laptops will reach the $200 price range, or even $300 for that matter, largely depends on Microsoft itself, says Intel. The cost of a laptop usually comes down to how Microsoft would want to price Windows 8, considering that a copy of the new operatings system retails in the triple-digit price point.

Furthermore, Perlmutter says that while Atom-based laptops could reach $200, notebooks running Intel's faster Core series of processor could be priced as low as $399, with some higher-end Android laptops ringing in at the price as well. Does this spell the comeback of netbooks, or are we actually at a point where full-blown laptops will cost way less?


[via CNET]

