Instructables: Edible Angry Birds - These Ain't Peeps
Elizabeth Marek makes things out of fondant. She does it out of love and awesomeness. She also does it to make a living. She makes all kinds of pretty cakes for weddings, birthdays and other occasions. They are covered in this pretty sugary icing called fondant. Lately, she's been making Angry Birds out of fondant. She even tells you how to make your own. I'm a little bit in love.
One time I watched Ace of Cakes or whatever. I didn't really pay much attention, there was a lot of yelling and then they put this big cake in the back of a car and almost crashed it and stuff. I guess those shows have created an explosion of creative cakery nationwide! Liz jumped on this tidal wave of awesome sweetness and started making all sorts of confectionary delights. I really could go on for way too long about all of the different things she makes. She makes cakes like car engines, cakes with Mario, Domo-kun, or Banjo-monstar as I first knew him. She makes cakes that are tall and cakes that are short. She makes a lot of cakes. You should just go look at her company's page here.
Now this is the neat part, she recently had some requests to make some cake toppers out of the visage of those rage filled avians. She'll let you know exactly how she did it on this Instructable. Or if you break down into tears at anything resembling modeling clay because of terrible childhood memories, you can browse on over to her etsy where you will find a terrifying array of wrathful fowl available for sale. Don't worry, they ship well.
[via Instructables]