Instagram revealed with first Apple Watch apps set

Of all the apps you could have wanted for your Apple Watch, Instagram... may have been one of them. This morning Apple revealed the Apple Watch's first set of apps, one of them being Instagram. This app allows you to scroll with the crown – up and down, then tap to see more information about a pic, then tap again to heart it. Of all the apps you could have used to tap into Instagram with, this will certainly be the smallest.


Passbook will be on the Apple Watch. This system allows you to see your plane tickets, coupons, meal passes, and all sorts of interesting things on your watch's face.

There's an app which allows you to get into your hotel room – just so long as your hotel supports it. There's at least one W Hotel that supports this functionality. There's an app that lets you control your garage door.

There's an Uber app. There's an app that allows you to speak on the phone – through the watch.

These apps will be installed and browsed through your iPhone. With the release of iOS 8.2, users will have a new Apple Watch app. At this time it's not clear whether or not the app will come pre-installed – but chances are it will.


UPDATE: iOS 8.2 will be released this afternoon.

