Instagram on the Web might finally allow creating posts

Although it is one of the biggest social networks in the world, Instagram is able to get away with one rather big sin. It's still a mostly smartphone-only affair, refusing to embrace tablets and even desktops to some extent. While Instagram does have a presence on web browsers, it's meant only for viewing and, only recently, messaging with other users. That may be changing, however, and the Web interface might finally let users make posts while still ignoring tablets.

To some extent, it does make sense that Instagram remains completely on phones. It revolves around content that comes directly from a phone's gallery, namely photos and videos, and doesn't make immediate sense for a desktop workflow. That said, devices and workflows have changed in the last few years and it may now make sense to support this use case.

According to mobile developer and leaker Alessandro Paluzzi, Instagram is already working on opening the doors to uploading photos and videos from a web browser. Uses will have access to nearly the same options as on mobile, including filters, which means suggests users will be able to more easily post their artwork and edits from their desktops without having to move them to their phones first.

Paluzzi doesn't disclose how he was able to enable this feature and makes no guesses on how long it will take Instagram to make it public. He also makes no mention if Instagram Stories are also supported in this new workflow.

Unfortunately, there is still no sign of proper tablet support. With tablets like the iPad Pro cementing itself as a powerful creation tool, an Instagram app that takes advantage of that makes perfect sense to everyone except Instagram. This browser-based feature could be a temporary workaround, presuming it even works on mobile browsers.