Insane Abt Audi RS6-E hybrid packs 1,003hp

If you are a sucker for hot wagons of the sort you can't get in the US, take a gander at this beast. This is the Abt Audi RS6-E and it's the first ever hybrid Audi RS car. It started life as an already sweet Audi RS6 Avant. This beast slips an electric motor directly into the transmission that adds in 284hp.

Along with that extra 284hp, the electric motor also adds 234 lb-ft of torque. That electric motor is combined with a 13.6kWh battery pack that delivers boost bursts at over 62 mph. That means there is no electric-only driving range.

Abt souped up the gas engine under the RS6's hood as well giving that 4.0L V8 twin-turbo mill a bump to 718hp. Stock, the RS6 Avant had 552hp. To get the boost from the electric motor, Abt fitted the wagon beast with a button dubbed "der Magic Button" and when pressed, vehicular hell breaks loose in the form of a combined 1003bhp.

The combined torque rating is a drive shaft busting 952 lb-ft. The car can hit 62mph in 3.3 seconds without that electric boost helping. What we really want to know is how fast the beast accelerates when the boost comes on.

Sadly, there are no performance figures offered for 60-125mph or 0-186mph. Top speed for the wagon is claimed to be 198 mph. The livery on the wagon may be a bit out there but the performance is impressive.