Indiegogo tests crowdfunding campaigns with no time limit

When the crowdfunding era began online, there was an implicit understanding that each campaign would have a limited time to raise money, at which point they'd have to turn around and deliver a product or a service. Now, dismissing said understanding, Indiegogo will be introducing a pilot program in which campaigners can extend their campaign well past their campaign deadline.

So you've got a campaign in which you've raised tons of cash, but it's over. It's done now, but you still get traffic to your Indiegogo campaign site.

All that traffic will go to waste, right?

Not actually – you could still be sending people off to your other websites, editing the Indiegogo site to make it clear you're not going to be sticking around there. But that's just silly, says Indiegogo, when you could just stay with the group and run your extended campaign from one location.

So what's to stop Indiegogo from becoming a host of businesses indefinitely? Nothing, really.

Now we wait to see if other major crowdfunding campaign sites like Kickstarter decide they'd like to become a permanent home to campaigners as well. Why not, right?

The two campaigns that are in this pilot program are Tens and TrackR Bravo. Watch and see as they transform.