Indiana Jones box set to include Lego game demo
I'm sure that there are plenty of you out there that are Indiana Jones fans. Personally, I love the movies, but since I purged all of my VHS tapes (it had to happen eventually) I don't own them any more. With a boxed DVD set coming soon, that seems like the perfect time to buy them again. If you're looking for a good reason to pick up the new special edition set when it comes out, you might be happy to hear that it will also include a demo for the Lego Indiana Jones game.
Sure, getting a demo for a game isn't exactly the best reason to go out and buy something (except maybe a magazine) but if you're already thinking about buying this special edition box set, it might encourage you to buy it as soon as it hits stores.
The Indiana Jones Box set is set to be released on May 13th. Unfortunately the demo will only be released on Region 1 discs, which for those that aren't in the know, it means that only those living in the US will get it.
[via Xbox360 Fanboy]