Imgur on iOS can now upload videos with sounds

Once upon a time, when you wanted to share a photo quickly, you didn't go to social networks or even Dropbox. Instead, you'd hop on to a service like Imgur. But as sharing became more mobile and more varied, those services seemed to have been left by the sidelines. Not content to be a footnote in history, Imgur is now announcing the rollout of a much-needed feature: uploading videos from an iPhone or iPad. Complete with sounds even.

While static images still have a place in the Interwebs thanks to memes, much more content, expressions, and laughs are better expressed through moving pictures. Especially ones that come with the appropriate audio track. Being one of the largest image posting and sharing sites, Imgur was greatly behind the times on that one.

That's changing today, at least on iOS. Now you can upload videos to the site and spread it around. The updated app now comes with some editing tools allowing you to upload and trim videos to its 30-second max length. add or remove sound, or mix with unmoving images and GIFs.

Yes, you can have sounds on videos, which might not sit well with some who want to browse Imgur in peace. Fear not, because those videos will play muted by default. You'll have to make a conscientious and deliberate effort to hear the croaking frogs.

For now, the ability to upload videos, with or without sound, is only available on the iOS app, with other platforms to follow soon. You are, however, more than free to view those uploaded videos, with or without sound, on any Imgur app or site.