How To View Tonight's Perseid Meteor Shower From Anywhere

If you're looking for something neat to do late tonight/early tomorrow morning, we've got an idea. The Perseid Meteor shower can be viewed at it's boldest moment in the hours when few are around, and if you want to see it — we'll tell you how.


The optimal time for viewing Perseid is between 3:00-4:00am, no matter where you are. The meteor shower can be viewed for much of the world's population, too. The image above shows you were the optimal zones are, and who might miss out on this one.

To view Perseid, it's recommended you venture into an open spot, free from any ambient light sources. Once you're in the darkest dark you can find, look up (I'm kidding, but still). As your eyes adjust to the dark, the meteor shower should come flashing by. The hour-long timeframe is the optimal time, not the only time. NASA says once the skies are dark, it's possible you could see the meteors in action at any time through the night.

The optimal hour for viewing should provide you around 30-40 meteors per hour in the prime viewing zones, according to NASA.


If you're not able or willing to venture out into the bleak isolation of the dark, NASA will be livestreaming it as well, starting at 9:30pm EDT. To view it on your browser, just hit the source link below. If you really want to go next-level, we suggest Chromecasting it.

Source: NASA

