How to get Gordon Ramsay's voice on your Echo or Alexa device

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Gordon Ramsay, foul-mouthed chef and TV star, was one of the celebrities featured in Amazon's Super Bowl commercial over the weekend. The commercial featured various celebrities offering their voices to fill in for Alexa after she lost her voice. It was a fun look at what Alexa could be like with a different personality, and now you can sort of experience that yourself with a new Gordon Ramsay skill.

Before getting too excited, take note: while you can get Gordon Ramsay's voice on your Alexa, you're not replacing Alexa's default voice. Rather, predetermined phrases spoken by Gordon Ramsay are offered in an Alexa skill, equipping Echo devices or other Alexa-equipped gadgets with Ramsay's unique ability to severely critique food.

We're assuming you already have your Alexa device setup and the Alexa mobile app installed on your mobile; if that's not the case, do both of those things before proceeding. Once the Alexa app is on your phone, open it and then tap the menu icon to open the left-side menu. Select "Skills."

From the "Skills" page, simply search for "Gordon Ramsay." A skill with his name and portrait will appear at the top of the search results; tap it to see its description. The skill should be from "Ground Control," otherwise it's not the one you're looking for.

Tap "Enable" to install the Alexa skill. Once installed, you can pull it up on your Alexa-enabled device (such as an Echo Dot) by saying, "Alexa, open Gordon Ramsay." You'll be greeted by his familiar, if not loud and uncomfortable, voice.

Once the skill is open, you can get Ramsay to critique your own meals by asking the AI, "Alexa, ask Gordon Ramsay what he thinks about my FOOD DISH." Of course, replace "food dish" with the actual food item, though it doesn't really matter since you're getting a random response in return. Don't expect it to be a kind one, though to one's amusement, the app does censor swear words by beeping them out.

You can find the skill here.