How to download Pixel Night Sight for your phone now

There's a really awesome feature called Night Sight out in the wild right now for Google-made Pixel phones. This feature isn't yet officially activated, but it was mentioned by Google during its most recent press conference. Lucky for us, we've got one massively talented community over at XDA that's found a way to (fairly simply) activate this feature in the Google Camera app. Now all we've gotta do is download and load.


This feature uses a long exposure time with the standard hardware in the Google Pixel 3 (or 2 or 1) with a bit of programming voodoo in the mix. With whatever Google's done here, users are able to photograph objects in the dark. It's not natural. It's like summoning dark spirits to do your bidding and capture that which cannot otherwise be seen. It's surprisingly good.

SEE TOO: Our big giant Google Pixel 3 Review

Version 6.1.013 of the Google Camera app is available for download with the Night Sight feature activated. This is an unofficial feature, so you're going to have to use it at your own risk. This download only works for Google Pixel 3, 2 and 1. Yes, indeed, it DOES seem to work for all three generations. It's not quite as perfectly efficient on the Pixel as it is on the intended target, Pixel 3, but whatever!


The app is available for download over at XDA Developers Forum right this minute. You can TRY it with phones other than Pixel, but GOOD LUCK on that. Let us know if you've found any phone that can use this app with Night Sight that's not a Pixel!

You can find the file over at AndroidFileHost, via XDA Developers. All downloads and loads and basically anything you ever do before, during, or after ready SlashGear is the responsibility of the action taker. Do all things at your own risk!

Once you've got the app working, you'll want to head to the MORE option at the end of the camera modes options. Inside MORE, select Night. You'll need to hold still while it's working, so try to hold your phone somewhat steady. Prepare to have your brain shocked into a puddly mess!

