House Of Cards Season 4 Premieres On March 4

Netflix subscribers will get the next season of House of Cards on March 4, the service has announced. The arrival will mark season 4 for the award-winning show, with Kevin Spacey reviving his role as politician Frank Underwood. House of Cards is Netflix's staple political drama, and one of its most popular original episodic shows. Spoilers ahead for those not caught up on the series.


The trailer is styled after a stereotypical American election promotional video, showing happy patriotic Americans and a fruitful job market. Near the end of the 30 seconds promo, though, the trailer tosses in just a hint of darkness without revealing anything.

Netflix ran the advertisement during one of the best TV slots available: the Republican presidential debate. The stereotypical advert spot made the commercial all the more catching, with the sudden dropping of music catching viewers off guard...and thoroughly getting their attention.

"America, I'm only getting started," Underwood says from being the desk in the Oval Office. The season will have Underwood running for re-election; you can get a feel for his political beliefs from the mock election website Netflix has up for him. Most appropriately, it is called "".


