Helmets of the Future Will Smell Like Cheese When Cracked

Probably one of the most ignored sectors of the tech industry, helmets are one of those things that probably don't necessarily need to change, but we're fans of anything that gets better by the use of technology. Though, we may have to wave an exception flag in this case, due to the smelly nature of this story.

If you're a bike rider, or need the use of a helmet at all, then you know that over time, if you've taken a few falls here and there, you're helmet can start to actually weaken. And therefore it becomes less safe to wear, and actually use. The worst part is, though, that not many people will notice their helmets are cracked before they start using the broken product, and therefore increasing their chances of serious injury.

"Cyclists often replace their helmets unnecessarily after dropping them on the ground, because they cannot tell whether they are damaged or not," Dr. Christof Koplin, a research scientist at the IWM, said. "The capsules eliminate this problem. If cracks form, smelly substances are released."

Thanks to some scientists over in Germany, they've solved the problem. When their helmet breaks, or cracks, microcapsules inside the helmet will also break. And when they do, a very strong odor of stinky cheese will start to waft from the helmet. That will tell you, and probably everyone around you, that you've got a defective helmet on your hands. A great idea for sure.

[via DVICE]