Hearthstone update Rise of Shadows release just went live

This morning Hearthstone's latest expansion Rise of Shadows went live around the world. This event and change-over went live at 10AM Pacific Time, Noon Central Time. This update also marks the end of the Year of the Raven and begins the Year of the Dragon! This is easily the biggest changing of the guard for Hearthstone since... the game switched to Raven.


The new set was released for all players, all at once, and is available in all versions of the game: Android, iOS, and desktop included. This update includes a new free card called Archmage Vargoth, given to players upon login (until July 9th, 2019. If you've logged on any time recently, you've probably already got the card in your collection.

There's a new set of quests available (limited time only, apparently), that'll allow one to earn up to 12 card packs. Of the 12, users can earn up to 5 Rise of Shadows packs – the rest are from other currently playable sets. The three oldest sets have just been moved to Wild – and the game just changed in a major way!

With Rise of Shadows, we're kicking off the biggest story we've ever told in Hearthstone and offering players a bunch of wicked new cards to get crafty with" said president of Blizzard Entertainment, J. Allen Brack. "This expansion also marks the beginning of a brand-new year of Hearthstone content—the Year of the Dragon—and we have a lot more in store for players in 2019."


For more information on the release of this set – and the quests and whatnot therein – head over to our recent set of articles posted in the timeline below. We've got all the little bits and pieces – with no spoilers! Unless you don't want to know anything without finding out for yourself in the game – in which case, what are you waiting for?

