Harmonix Game Reveal Tomorrow: Rock Band, Dance Central Off Limits
After discontinuing its Rock Band weekly DLC, Harmonix has revealed its plans for a new game, only this time it doesn't revolve around the Rock Band or Dance Central franchises. That likely means it'll be a completely new take on the type of games that the game developing company is usually known for.
Harmonix took to Twitter to announce the news, saying that they're "announcing a new game tomorrow," and "it's not Rock Band or Dance Central." If it isn't either one of those two, then it could be anyone's guess as to what it is. Other than that one tweet, there are no details as to what to expect tomorrow.
However, Harmonix has always been about the music and rhythm games, so it could be that type of game, but will take a different approach than what we've seen in Rock Band and Dance Central, perhaps something similar to Audiosurf or Beat Hazard. However, we did hear back in August about the company hiring developers for a next-gen combat title, so that could be it.

Furthermore, Harmonix revealed last year that they were working on a few games, saying that not all of them would be music-related, but it certainly wouldn't be Harmonix if we didn't see a new music-inspired game from them at some point. However, it'll be interesting to see what they pull out of their hats as far as a non-musical title.
Harmonix discontinued its Rock Band weekly DLC back in April, with the last downloadable song being Don McLean's "American Pie," which is quite fitting for the situation, as the classic song is good for the tearful goodbyes. Harmonix didn't talk about the future of Rock Band, but seeing as they discontinued DLC, that's a sign that the entire series might be quietly getting the ax.
VIA: Polygon