Hands On With The Jitterbug Dial

I had a chance to test out the Jitterbug Dial at Pepcom's Holiday Spectacular event in NYC last week.  It's a simple cell phone for the sole purpose of making calls quickly.  There are simple yes or no questions that you answer via the menu system from the moment the phone is opened, until the call is ended.  The Jitterbug is all about KISS (keep it simple stupid) and does a great job.  The sturdiness of the design by Samsung is a huge plus.  It's ideal for children and elderly.  The Jitterbug OneTouch and Jitterbug Dial both retail for $147.99, and monthly rate plans run from $10 all the way up to $40 giving you 300 minutes.  Not a bad deal at all.Jitterbug homepage


