GoPro channel for Roku coming this Spring
That Roku attached to your TV might be a lot more exciting very soon. GoPro, who have their cameras attached to people not watching a lot of TV, are creating a Roku channel. This "custom designed" channel is billed as a "one-stop video destination that delivers on-demand GoPro content to millions of Roku customers." The channel will have the normal complement of high-wire antics and free-falling stunts, but also give people watching an idea of how it was done.
Viewers can get info on which equipment was used to capture the shots, which is great for those who actually do want to try it at home. The channel will also feature 'featured playlists', as well as favorite videos (you pick) and recently watched media.
Ed Lee, Vice President of Content at Roku said "We're incredibly excited to bring the action-packed videos created by the GoPro community to the Roku streaming platform. Roku delivers an experience that our customers truly love, and I know that they're going to be captivated by the inspiring new content available to them with the launch of the GoPro channel this spring."
As for what we might get with this new GoPro channel, launching sometime in the Spring, the announcement directs users to check out GoPro's YouTube channel for an idea.
Source: GoPro