Google's top 10 tech searches of 2017 will surprise you
Being just a few days away from the beginning of 2018, it's time to look back on 2017 and reflect on what's happened throughout the year. Google is doing just that today, sharing the top 10 searches for a bunch of different categories in 2017. While each list has some interesting entries, the consumer tech top 10 is particularly surprising.
The iPhone 8 was the most searched-for consmer tech product throughout the year, which might be surprising when you consider that the iPhone X has been getting the lion's share of attention since both devices were revealed. However, before these devices were revealed and we knew for sure what their names were, many people simply referred to the next iPhone as "iPhone 8," which likely has something to do with the device's placement on the list.
Coming in at number three on the list is the Nintendo Switch, which managed to beat the fourth-place Galaxy S8 in terms of ranking. That the Switch would finish that high on the list speaks to the success its enjoyed throughout the year, becoming a sensation that few could have predicted. Rounding out the top 5 is another surprise, with the Razer Phone claiming a spot for itself.
Samsung appears again on the list with the Galaxy Note 8 in 10th place, while Google's Pixel 2 was popular enough to claim 8th. The SNES Classic was Nintendo's second entry at the list at 7th place, though what's particularly interesting is that it and the Switch are the only two gaming devices to crack the top 10. While many might consider the PS4 and Xbox One to be relatively old news by now, it's somewhat surprising that the Xbox One X didn't make the cut.
That top 10 list holds one final surprise: the Apple Watch 3. Though Android manufacturers like LG and HTC didn't place on the list, the Apple Watch 3 managed to make it to 9th place. At a time when smartwatches seem to be losing steam with the general public, it appears that interest in the Apple Watch persists.
In other lists, we see topics like the solar eclipse and Bitcoin show up frequently, neither of which are particularly shocking given the number of headlines about them throughout the year. Be sure to head over to Google Trends to see all of the popular search terms for the year, and head down to the comments section to tell us if you're surprised by any of the entries on the consumer tech list!