Google Street View Car Involved In Wreck, Hits Three Vehicles

Late Friday night, one of Google's Street View cars was involved in a motor accident in Indonesia, where it accidentally crashed into a public transport bus. According to the BBC, the driver of the vehicle then apparently panicked, according to witnesses, and tried to drive away, unfortunately striking two more cars in the process.


The car can be seen in the image above, having been taken by one of the witnesses who posted it on Indonesian website Kaskus under the screen name "mginanjar". Said witnesses, upon trying to reportedly flee from the first accident due to the bus's driver being angry, the car ended up hitting a second bus, followed by a truck, making for a rather unfortunate series of events.

Google has responded to the accident, with its Indonesian division's head of communications Vishnu Mahmud saying: "We take incidents like this very seriously. We're working closely with local authorities to address the situation." It isn't known whether anyone was hurt in the accident, but judging by the picture, the car certainly took a bit of beating.


This isn't the first time Google's Street View cars have been involved in an altercation, with one seeming to have struck a donkey in Botswana, according to some who found Street View images of a donkey in various states of distress lying in a dirt road on car tracks as the Google car drove away. Google reportedly provided proof to website that it did not run over the donkey, but did not give permission for the pictures to be made public.


