Google Snaps Up Launchpad Toys, Liberates Its Apps
Google has acquired the kids-centric company Launchpad Toys, the latter company has announced. Google has confirmed the acquisition, but neither have given any details about what Google paid for the service. This shows an increased push on Google's part to provide more content for younger users, and comes with a certain big perk for Toontastic users in particular: that storytelling tool is now available for free, having previously been a for-pay offering, a change already reflected on the App Store.
Launchpad Toys posted a brief statement on its website announcing the acquisition. Says the company, "We're proud to announce that our little toy company is pairing up with a great big team of tinkerers to empower gajillions of playful storytellers around the world."

All of the company's tools and so-called "digital toys" are now free, and Launchpad has teased what it'll be doing at Google: "create even more" kids-centric digital tools like its Toontastic and its TeleStory, the latter of which is also now free to download.
Google has not commented on the acquisition — whether we'll be hearing from the Internet giant about its new acquisition is yet to be seen. The business move isn't surprising, however, given the company's increased focus on drawing in users while they're young via kids-friendly products.