Google Releases Chrome Remote Desktop For iOS

Chrome Remote Desktop, Google's method for making your computer's desktop available via their browser for mobile devices, is now available for iOS. The Android version has been available since April of last year, and makes for a handy way to stream content to a phone or tablet. As we noted in our hands-on, the functionality makes it possible to control your computer form a mobile device, too. The app is currently available in the App Store, and is free to download.


Aside from some inherent stylistic differences, the iOS app mimics the Android version nicely. You'll also need to download the Chrome Remote desktop browser extension from the Chrome Web Store.

Chrome Remote Desktop can run on as many computers as you have with Chrome installed, too. In the mobile app, you'll find a list of computers you've linked to Chrome Remote Desktop, so you won't have to blindly guess.

After you download the app for iOS, go ahead and visit our hands-on article for Chrome Remote Desktop for Android. Though it might not look exactly the same, the functionality hasn't changed.

It's a pretty neat way to get content on your device, or walk through something like a presentation with your phone. After a stopover on the desktop, Chrome Remote Desktop found a lot of favor with mobile on Android, and is once again proving that mobile is fast becoming a standard, not an accessory platform.


Source: App Store

