Google Joins Mass Of Automakers with Android Auto
Before the end of the year, Google will be launching their Android Auto program with a massive cross-section of automotive manufacturers. They've made clear that the release of Android Auto is part of their Open Automotive Alliance membership, rolling with the likes of FIAT, KIA, Huyndai, Jeep, Bentley, Audi, Chevrolet, Chrysler, and a whole lot more. This alliance also taps developers at Google I/O 2014 with the first Google Auto SDK, ready for release "soon."
This release will likely come right alongside Android L, detailed in part earlier today. The Android Auto SDK will include both audio integration and messaging for apps, including voice-enabled messaging and voice commands. Google Maps are integrated within Android Auto and will be available to developers as well.
Several app creators have lent their hand in early development of Android Auto apps. You'll find Pocket Casts, iHeartRadio, SongZa, TuneIn, Spotify, At Bat (MLB), Pandora, Umano, Joyride, and more coming in right out the gate.
We'll be rolling with Android Auto sooner than later. For now have a peek at our Android Auto tag portal and stay tuned with Google I/O 2014 all week long!