Google Focus Sits Squarely On Android As Search Tide Switches
This afternoon Google announced their financial Q2 2015 results, including big-time growth in mobile business. According to Google's CFO Ruth Porat, the company is showing strong Q2 results, which "reflect continued growth across the breadth of our products, most notably core search, where mobile stood out." Google representatives continue to gush about growth in the mobile sector, making it very clear where Google's future is. Not just in the internet, but in mobile devices. Software, but in software that tends to the mobile user first and foremost.
According to Omid Kordestani, Chief Business Officer for Google, "Google search, YouTube, Android, Chrome, and Google Maps each have over 1-billion users." Not only that, but business within each of these sectors has been leaping up. According to Porat, "[on YouTube,] mobile watch-time has more than doubled from a year ago."
"We also continue to see great momentum in the Android partner program," said Kordestani. "We started with one device, one carrier, and one OEM – the T-Mobile G1 in 2008. [This] has grown now to over 400 OEMs and over 500 carriers who make over 4,000 distinct devices."
Kordestani also made clear Google's central aim in all things – reaching people as fast as possible, getting them what they want – immediately. "Google's role has always been to meet people's needs in the exact moment they are looking," said Kordestani, "and those moments are increasingly happening on mobile devices."
Both Kordestani and Porat focused on how well Google's search business continued to be, to the point of following search numbers to indicate Google's prime aims. "More searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries," said Kordestani, "including the US and Japan, two of our largest markets."
Does this mean Google will begin to fade out their desktop services? Hardly. Businesses like Nest and Google Fiber are just starting to fire up. For now though, Google's biggest cash comes from your smartphone.