Google Currents resurrected as G Suite's Google+ replacement

Google's habit of regularly and sometimes unceremoniously killing off its services and apps has become sort of a running joke that there are now websites dedicated to honoring those dearly and some not so dearly departed products. Some of those may have been forgotten after years of being buried and that may give Google a chance to recycle the name for something completely different. Just like Google Currents which is now the G Suite's replacement for another dead product: Google+.

Now Currents is back but has nothing to do with magazines and little to do with Google+, at least as far as appearances go. In line with Google's new Material Design, it looks more like an extremely bright and white Google Product Forums than the now-defunct social networking service. In fact, it acts pretty much like a forum private to organizations and G Suite customers.

Google bills the new Currents as a way for people in an organization to have "meaningful discussions and interactions" in order to reserve email for more formal communication. Just like Google+, users can make posts with a variety of content, from text to images to attachments. All of these are displayed in chronological order in the "home stream", pretty much like Google+ as well.

You could almost say it's a new version of Google+ with a coating of the new Material Design. Of course, Google would prefer to bury that name in ignominy. But maybe after six years, it will reuse the Google+ name, perhaps for some future subscription service.