Google confirms over 900 million Android activations, 48bn app installs

Today we've just officially kicked off Google I/O, and to start things off Google's own Sundar Pichai is on the stage talking about the past, the future, personal computing and more. And right out of the gate we're already getting to the good stuff. Talking Android, Chrome, numbers and of course Android. Today Google is proud to announce that they've nearly reached the 1 billion mark.

Sundar Pichai has just confirmed that with nearly 400 million Android activations by the end of 2012, here mid-way through 2013 we've already more than doubled that massive number, and Android's ecosystem has reached 900 million. Talk about a big number. Android developers and manufacturers are an important part of that, obviously, and their proud to announce they've paid out developers more in 4 months this year, than all of 2012 combined.

Along with the confirmation of nearly 900 million Android activations, there has also been over 48 billion (yes with a B) billion Android app installs. Not only that, but there has already been 2.5 billion in the past month. It's safe to say Google's Android OS is only speeding up, and showing absolutely zero signs of slowing down.

It's also worth noting that just last month Google Android activations was sitting around 750 million. So in the past month or so that's grown to over 900. We're expecting this to only increase, and by the end of 2013 Android could be topping 1.5 billion. Next up we're talking Android, Google Play, locations data and more. Stay tuned and follow our Google I/O Portal.