Google and Verizon Focus on the Open Internet
Last week, reports started coming down the pipe that Verizon and Google have begun to work against Google's policy of "do no evil," and were finding ways to make sure that companies out there got more screen-time with Internet surfers, by paying more for their troubles. Of course, that's not really an "open Internet," so after denying the whole thing, Google and Verizon have come forward today to clear the air, and outline what it is they actually are working on. Here's a quick spoiler: it's an open Internet — for your home computer.
The push for 'net neutrality has been a long and arduous ones, even for giants like Verizon and Google. It all started back in October, at least for the public's eye, when the two corporations did their best to work with the FCC to make net neutrality the focus of the Internet. To make sure that it didn't get destroyed. Well, the courts think that the FCC can't dictate that, and so they ruled against the FCC. Subsequently, several telecommunications companies out there have come together, making sure that they do what they can to keep an "open Internet" open. One result of that was just unveiled today, as Google and Verizon pulled the curtain off their "Internet transparency" proposal.
Basically, the two Big Gs want folks to be able to pick what devices they want when accessing the Internet, as well as choosing their own applications and content. They also want to make sure that there are steps to take against "discriminatory pratices." Like, when you would pay to get your site seen faster, or more, than your competition's site. That's not fair for everyone, and Verizon and Google want to make sure that it doesn't happen.
However, these rules don't apply for the whole wireless aspect of it. Meaning, your mobile phone. The transparency thing still stands, but they are saying that there's just not enough spectrum to make all of these new "features" or bullet points work in the mobile market. Basically, all of the above aspects are meant for the wired Internet, and not your mobile phone. Not yet, anyway.
[via Google's Public Policy Blog]