GM's Cruise self-driving cars have issues tips insider

GM is working hard on rolling out a fleet of self-driving cars under its Cruise startup. An insider has come forward and alleges that there are some big issues with Cruise self-driving cars that have led to significant limitations. The tipster claims that the "Cruise cars frequently swerve and hesitate."

The source has also tipped that the Cruise self-driving cars will slow down or stop when a bush on the side of a street or a lane-dividing pole is seen because the cars mistake the objects as being in their path. The source alleges that in one case, Cruise employees trimmed a bush before a demonstration of the self-driving cars for journalists.

The reason for the trim was to prevent the cars from swerving when driving past the bush. Another allegation that has come forward claims that while employees can use Cruise vehicles to get around San Francisco, the drive in these vehicles often takes 10-20 minutes longer than in a normal car.

The reason for the longer drive has to do with some intersections and streets in the city being "blacklisted" at least temporarily making the vehicles take routes to avoid those areas. The reports, printed by publication "The Information" also claims that Cruise vehicles have a difficult time with two-way residential streets where only one car can pass at a time.

The car wants to be in the center lane according to the report and oncoming traffic causes the Cruise vehicle to stop. Other areas where Cruise vehicles allegedly have issue is telling the difference in bicycles and motorcycles, entering tunnels, U-turns, and construction zones. GM has offered no official comment on the report. Cruise has a goal of launching a commercial taxi service next year.

SOURCE: ArsTechnica