Garmn Vector 2, 2S Make Cycling Power Metrics Easier To Do
You might know Garmin to be more of a navigation technology company, but two years ago it debuted a Vector line of products that focused not on getting where you're going but on how you are getting there. The first Vector in 2013, followed by the Vector S a year later, are bike pedals that helped cyclists get a hold of their performance stats. Today, Garmin is stepping up, no pun intended, with the launch of the 2nd generation Vector 2 and Vector 2S pedals, now made even easier to install and remove.
Unlike Garmin's usual GPS-based navigation devices, the Vectors are practically pedal pods that can be fitted into any bike to provide useful metrics for serious cyclists. It measures data such as power, stroke, torque, and can even determine whether your're standing or sitting while pedaling on your bike. The new Vectors take these same functionality and adds ease of use. Now it's easier to take out the pods from one bike and transfer them to another, ensuring that users aren't forced to use a single bike only. In addition, LED lights provide immediate visual feedback on the installation and maintenance of the pedal.

Like the original Vector, the Vector 2 comes in a dual-sensing pedal pair, which means it can also measure total power, left and right balance, and pedal form. The Vector 2 can also determine where exactly on the pedal the cyclists applies the pressure in order to better inform them of the proper location. The Vector 2S, on the other hand, takes after the single-sensing Vector S, making it more affordable but also only half what the Vector 2 has to offer. It uses special algorithms to actually determine the amount of force the cyclist is using to pedal. It fits into the left side pedal but there is an optional right-side upgrade, for extra price, of course.
Just as the Vector 2 and Vector 2S will be easier to install, Garmin is also advertising the fact that the pedals offer easier upgrade paths as well. The Vector 2S, for example, can easily be upgraded to a dual-sensing setup, in other words a Vector 2. First gen Vector owners can also upgrade to the Vector 2 line using a new installation kit.
The Garmin Vector 2 and Vector 2S will start availability sometime this second quarter. Two sizes will be available, a Standard one 12-15 mm thick and 44 mm wide cranks, and a Large version with 15-18 mm thick cranks. The prices will be as follows:
• Vector 2 – $1,499.99
• Vector 2S – $899.99
• Vector 2S right-side upgrade – $699.99
• Vector to Vector 2 upgrade kit – $149.99
• Vector S to Vector 2S upgrade kit – $99.99