Galaxy Note 8 Stock Wallpapers Leak: See And Download Them Here
We're still waiting for the Galaxy Note 8 to make its official debut, but ahead of that there are many leaks, and with these leaks came wallpapers. A total of 13 images, all said to be the stock wallpapers included with the Galaxy Note 8, have leaked online. You can download the Galaxy Note 8 wallpapers yourself now if you'd like, putting them on your Galaxy S8 or other suitably high-res phone display.
The wallpapers first appeared on the Vietnamese website Samsung VN, though the thread in which they were published has since been deleted. Because nothing on the Internet can ever truly die, the wallpapers themselves have continued to live on, making their way into a convenient zip file for anyone to download. You can grab them from Media Fire here.

The zip file is about 67MB in size, so you may want to do that on WiFi if you don't have a high data mobile plan. We downloaded the batch ourselves and confirmed the archive contains only the 13 wallpapers and nothing else, though you should always use caution and an anti-virus tool when downloading an unknown like this.

As far as the wallpapers go, they certainly look like something that Samsung would include with one of its phones; the same general style as what you find with the Galaxy S8 is present. Of the 13 wallpapers, four of them are simple gradients in various shades. The rest of the wallpapers are highly colorful, one showing a bright blue desert, another a faded mountain range, and yet another a serene lake.
Each wallpaper has a resolution of 2560 x 2560; the aspect ratio enables them to span across multiple screens, moving slightly as the user flips through each home screen on their handset to show what will seem to be a slightly panoramic image. The very high resolution means you can just as easily use these as wallpapers for your tablet or laptop, too.