Fuze Code Studio is not your typical Nintendo Switch game, teaches kids to code

Fuze Code Studio is a "game" that will be available on the Nintendo Switch this summer, but we put that term in quotes because this app is not really a game in the normal sense of the word. Fuze Code Studio aims to help players learn how to code on the Nintendo Switch, and even code their own 2D and 3D games.


Fuze Code Studio will not require any prior coding experiences on the part of the players, and it will use a coding language they call Fuze BASIC. Players will learn to code their own games, and Nintendo is actually giving them full use of the Switch hardware – meaning that you would be able to assign functionality to the Joy-con controllers.

This "game" that lets you create your own games will include its own music synthesizer, speech engine for music and voice, and pre-loaded graphics and music that you will be able to use. There will be downloadable stuff as well after the app is launched.

The Switch has its onscreen keyboard, but you will be able to use the USB keyboard accessory that comes with the Switch for better coding. If you were wondering what the Nintendo Switch keyboard was for, now you can wonder no more.


VIA: Nintendo Today

