Free iPhone 4 cases not due until September 1st

You don't look a gift horse in the mouth, the old saying goes, but if you were hoping Apple's offer of a free case would fix your iPhone 4 antenna problems sooner rather than later, you might have to think again.  SlashGear reader Freddy has sent in his order confirmation – he picked an Incase Snap – and it shows that the free case isn't expected to be delivered until September 1st 2010.


Now, Apple did warn that deliveries could take anything from three to five weeks, but this is still on the long side of things.  While we can only imagine that supplies of cases will be dwindling fast, considering how many iPhone 4 buyers there are out there, for the delay to be this long only a few hours after the case program started doesn't bode well.  Our advice would be to get your order in sooner rather than later; let us know what your estimated ship date is in the comments.

[Thanks Freddy!]

