Four Upcoming Horror Games You Should Keep An Eye On

For those of us who enjoy thrills of a darker nature, it never seems like there are enough satisfactory horror games on the market. Often times, when a horror-centric game does arrive, it proves derivative or lackluster, much like their movie counterparts. That's not to say the genre is hopeless, however, and there are several titles coming up in the near future that promise brig things for gamers.


The Evil Within

The so-called "father of survival horror" Shinji Mikami is back with The Evil Within, a survival horror game set to drop this coming October. With the title, gamers are promised "an intricate story" woven with a world that, when combined, are aimed at providing "the height of tension."


The game takes place around Detective Sebastian Castellanos, his partners, and "a mysterious and powerful force." Adding a tease of fantasy into the mix, a conk on the head will cause the detective to awaken into a "deranged world" with troublesome creatures. The Evil Within is set to arrive on the PS3/PS4, Xbox 360/One, and on PC.

White Night

White Night is a very unique-looking horror game, promising to be a narrative played out with striking white-and-black graphic design that stands out from the crowd. Osome Studio, the maker, says the game "is a blend of different influences and disciplines for a total experience of art, storytelling, and game design."


It's hard to describe what exactly White Night is, so be sure to watch the video above for yourself. The game is set to release some time later on this year, and it'll be available for Windows, Mac, and Steam.

Among the Sleep

Among the Sleep is a game that is half-way towards existence — you can download the Alpha, but the final version isn't yet available. Unlike many games in the horror genre, Among the Sleep is unique; you're playing as a two-year-old child in this first-person survival game.


This game was funded through Kickstarter, and is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux as an alpha download. Be sure to keep an eye on the page for additional updates as they roll out.


For those who like open worlds, Grave — an indie game from Broken Window Studios — will fit the bill. Grave takes place in an abandoned town where terrors come out to play after the sun goes down. Tools are at the gamer's disposal, and the world changes as each "day" passes.


As with Among the Sleep, Grave was funded through Kickstarter, and is still a work-in-progress. Though there's no hard release date yet, it looks like the game will be arriving next year for both consoles and the PC.

