Flipboard for Desktop arrives to clean up news

After five years of running on mobile platforms like the iPad, Android, and Windows Phone, Flipboard has arrived on the desktop. This system is ready to roll in your web browser – it's covering web-based content, after all – and is very, very similar to what you've seen on your mobile phone. Inside Flipboard's web browser-based console you'll be able to work with the same account you had on your mobile device. One decision in one place affects the other. All connected to the web, all made with the same clean design aesthetic.


Flipboard takes the sources you choose and serves up content in a slightly curated way. While you can potentially see every piece of content from a single source if you do so choose, you've also got a main news feed with the finest stories from each of your chosen sources.

This system also allows you to create your own web-based magazine as the mobile app does. "Zines" can be created and create a system which other readers can tap into.

Sort of like a webpage of your own, but all inside the Flipboard aesthetic.

To add to your Flipboard page, you'll have only to tap your "Flip.it" button. Another social networking system, another Pinterest-like movement.

The "+FLIP" button will appear inside Flipboard for now – but eventually you'll see it in other places, more than likely.


Flipboard dot com is live right now. High five your pal @ChrisBurns for some Space Up Close action in the near future. Until then, have a peek at our Flipboard archive below!

