Flappy Bird killed for good by iOS 11

It's been quite some time since we heard from our old friend Flappy Bird. What began as something of a phenomenon on iOS and Android was quickly snuffed out by its creator. As long you downloaded the game in the short window of time it was available, you were able to keep playing it, but for iOS users, that all changes with the release of iOS 11.


Once you apply the update to iOS 11, Flappy Bird will no longer work. The problem lies in the fact that iOS 11 no longer supports 32-bit apps. App makers will need to upgrade their apps in order to meet iOS 11's 64-bit requirement, and while many will do just that, it seems that Flappy Bird creator Dong Nguyen is fine just letting Flappy Bird sink into the shadows.

Over on his Facebook page, Nguyen touched on the subject, simply informing players that Flappy Bird will no longer work once iOS 11 has been applied. He thanked players for their support over the past four years, saying nothing about a potential update. Even without that confirmation, the tone of the post tells us that he won't update Flappy Bird to work with iOS 11.


That he won't isn't really much of a surprise. Nguyen removed the app from the Google Play Store and the iOS App Store way back in 2014, citing guilt over the fact that what he intended to be a pick-up-and-play casual game had become a point of addiction for many. Though Flappy Bird got a new lease of life with the launch of Flappy Bird Family on the Amazon App Store later that year, the original never returned to Android and iOS.

Of course, if you're a true Flappy Bird die-hard, you could always put off updating to iOS 11 in order to play a little longer. In the end, though, there will come a point where you're forced leave Flappy Bird behind. Enjoy it while you can.

