First Blood: Seeing What The Android SDK Can Do More Or Less Out Of The Box

Well, it appears that SkyPop has an Android reference device, basically a phone they can install the OS onto and use to test out their apps. And they have been putting it to good use. on the same day the SDK came out, due to its ease of use, the engineer for SkyPop threw together a Sudoku app, a buddy location finder app, and a team geo-caching app. Pretty amazing for the first couple of days, no?, from his point of view, as a programmer, he said that the SDK was really easy to use, I think he even said in the video it was a joy to use. Well, the second video is from some people at Google, where they are showing off some of the basics of the Android OS and what the device/OS combo can do.First look: Google's Android OS [via android community]


