Fireside Digital Frame Shows Only The Photos You Want To See

Have you grown weary of the static picture frames dotting your home's various planar surfaces? Digital picture frames have been a thing for many years, but have only recently been getting a modern tech upgrade, with things like Canviz adding a welcomed twist to the products. Latest among these is the Fireside SmartFrame, which includes a cloud service and promises to only display the photos you want to see. The product recently hit Kickstarter, where it is enjoying relatively substantial success.


The digital frame works along with the Fireside app, which one can use to snap pictures and shuttle them off to the company's cloud. These images are then displayed on the digital frame when you're most likely to want to see them. As some examples the company gives, pictures of your child's birthdays will be shown on his latest birthday. Same with anniversaries and more.

The app is available for both iOS and Android, while the SmartFrame itself features a hook for it to be mounted on a wall if desired. As far as specs go, the device features a Full HD 15-inch LED display, a quad-core Snapdragon S4 processor, 64GB of storage for image caches, and Android 4.4 KitKat.

The company behind the digital frame, Fireside Inc., is funding the project through Kickstarter, where it has neared the 25% mark in its campaign with $20,243 in pledges out of the $100,000 goal. A pledge of at least $339 USD will get you a frame in white, as well as a year of included cloud service.


VIA: Digital Trends

