Canviz digital art frame brings animated portraits to your living room

Digital picture frames have been around for a while, but we've seen products in recent times that aim to take them a step farther, making them into large elegant displays of digital art. Canviz is the latest among these, but rather than just showing static images, the frame shows off animated portraits.


A wood frame encases the Canviz, which measures in at 22-inches and 40-inches, depending on model. The frame has wireless connectivity for adding content, and can be loaded with either pre-made art in an online gallery or with one's own content. Control is offered through a mobile app.

Canviz supports a variety of file formats: JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and TGA. An animated GIF is the file format that it is most associated with, allowing the display to show off animated portraits or scenery for what the makers say is a Harry Potter-like living portrait.

The device is being funded through Kickstarter, where it sits just a touch under its $50,000 goal with 44 days remaining. A pledge of $449 USD gets a Canviz, while a pledge of $549 gets the device in poster size. Shipping is estimated to start April of next year.


SOURCE: Kickstarter

