Fire Emblem Heroes tips: seek the free secret bonus Orbs
There's a button many users miss in Fire Emblem Heroes, a button that requires the assistance of Nintendo to activate. Today we're having a peek at one of the most often-overlooked elements in the many menus of Fire Emblem Heroes, a game that's nothing if it isn't far more complicated than Nintendo's mobile predecessors. Today we're talking about the Blue Button – have you seen it?
The Blue Button isn't particularly difficult to find, it's just designed in a way that does not lend itself to being seen as a tappable element. In the Quests and Missions Fountain, in the user's castle – there it lies! In the upper right-hand corner, the user can see it, and tap it! Once tapped, the user must connect their Nintendo User account to make it work.
For those users that've not yet connected a Nintendo account to Fire Emblem Heroes, now's the time. Connecting an account gives the user a whopping 10x Orbs for summoning heroes. This bonus may very possibly be a temporary one – that is, for now, in the week or weeks after initial launch.
Everyone with a Nintendo account (a free account, mind you), will find bonuses of several types in this area of the game's menus. Each time part of the game's story quests are completed, a bonus of 100 points is given to the user. These points can then be traded for game elements that are not available for purchase anywhere else.
At this time Nintendo has not spoken about any expansion to this area of the game, nor their own Nintendo Account system outside the game. While it could be an OK time to spend bonus point acquired this way, we're going to save a few up. You never know what other points-for-goods bits and pieces might be coming!
UPDATE: Also – for future expansion – be sure to start racking up the friends in Fire Emblem Heroes. Friends left and right. For starters, feel free to add the ID 5466057469 to get started – I'll add you back real quick!