Find Fact Check Articles Faster In Google News
Google is making it easier to find fact-check articles in Google News by labelling them as such. Claims made during political debates, in social tweets and more are often subject to fact-check organizations. Finding fact-check articles can be difficult, however, and for this reason Google has started labelling them with a new 'fact check' tag when they appear in Google News.
Google points toward dedicated fact checking networks and similar entities as part of the collective that has made fact checking a big thing. More than 100 sites engage in fact checking, according to Duke University, but locating this content isn't always easy, as it tends to get lost in the content glut. Google's latest tag, to some degree, changes that.
The company's news website regularly labels different content types, and it now tags fact-check articles, too. Fact-check articles appearing in Google News display a small 'Fact Check' tag as shown in the screenshot above. Clicking one of these tagged articles takes users to a fact-check destination scrutinizing the topic or claims..
These tagged fact check articles appear only in expanded news boxes on Google News, and only for large news stories, at least for now. The new article type tag is rolling out initially in the United States and the United Kingdom, says Google. You should see now in the Google News & Weather app for Android and iOS if you're in either of those two countries.
SOURCE: Google Blog